How to effectively introduce company culture to new employees?

How to introduce company culture to new employees effectively?
How to introduce company culture to new employees effectively?

One of the most serious mistakes in the HR industry is hiring the wrong people. This causes significant losses for the company such as recruitment time and costs, onboarding, and training. Moreover, it has a heavier impact on the company's business situation.

One of the most common manifestations of hiring the wrong people is not fitting into the company culture. That's why Hireforce shares extremely important information as well as a detailed guide with practical examples so that you can address this issue for your company.

4 Steps to Integrate Company Culture into Effective Onboarding Process

Integrating company culture into the onboarding process is an effective way to help new employees understand the culture and quickly integrate into the new work environment. An effective onboarding process will help new employees:

  1. Understand the company's vision, mission, core values, and policies.
  2. Build relationships with colleagues and leaders.
  3. Develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the job.

Here are 4 steps to integrate company culture into an effective onboarding process:

  1. Identify the company's core values

The first step is to identify the company's core values. Core values are the most important values of the company, expressed in every aspect of its operations.

  1. Develop a tailored Onboarding program

Based on the company's core values, develop a tailored Onboarding program to help new employees understand the organizational culture. The Onboarding program should include the following:


Company A has a 2-week Onboarding program, including the following:

Day 1: Introduction to the company, core values, rules, and policies. Day 2: Introduction to departments and functions. Days 3-14: Training on necessary skills and knowledge for the job. Day 15: Participation in company extracurricular activities.

  1. Efficiently Communicate Company Culture

All content in the Onboarding program needs to be effectively communicated to ensure that new employees understand the company culture. Effective communication methods include:

Using simple, understandable language. Creating activities and games to help new employees remember the company's core values. Providing opportunities for new employees to share opinions and feedback.


Company B holds a fun company culture introduction session with activities and games to help new employees easily remember the company's core values. Company C has a training program on company culture where new employees are encouraged to share their opinions and feedback on the corporate culture.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluating Effectiveness

Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the Onboarding process is necessary to ensure that new employees understand the company culture. Evaluation methods include:


Company A conducts a survey of new employees after 3 months of work to evaluate the effectiveness of the Onboarding program. Company B conducts interviews with new employees after 6 months of work to evaluate the effectiveness of the Onboarding program.

Why is it important to introduce company culture during Onboarding?

Introducing company culture during Onboarding is essential for the following reasons:

Helps new employees understand the company culture. Understanding the company's culture helps new employees quickly integrate into the new work environment and maximize their potential. Builds new employees' attachment to the company.

When new employees understand the culture, they feel like they are part of the company and tend to stay longer. Attracts and retains talent. Potential employees are often interested in the culture of the companies they apply to. Effectively introducing the culture helps attract and retain talent.

Incorporating company culture introduction into the Onboarding process is an effective way to help new employees quickly integrate into the new work environment and maximize their potential.

What is company culture?

Company culture is a set of values, beliefs, behaviors, and standards shared by members of an organization. Company culture is formed from various factors, including history, mission, vision, goals, business philosophy, and company policies.

Types of Company Culture

Company culture can be divided into two main types: tangible culture and intangible culture.

Tangible company culture consists of visible and tangible elements, such as the work environment, dress code, language, and company rituals. Intangible company culture consists of elements that cannot be seen or felt, such as values, beliefs, and behaviors of employees.

Examples of company cultures of some leading companies worldwide


Google is known for its company culture that values creativity and innovation. The company encourages employees to experiment with new ideas, even if they seem crazy. Google also provides employees with many resources and opportunities for self-development and skill enhancement.


Apple has a company culture focused on perfection. The company values quality and sophistication in all its products and services. Apple also has a very strict product development process to ensure that their products meet the highest standards.


Amazon has a customer-focused company culture. The company always puts customer needs first, striving to provide the best products and services to meet their needs. Amazon also has a very dedicated customer care process to ensure that customers are always satisfied.


Microsoft has a company culture focused on innovation. The company is committed to innovating and improving its products and services to provide the best value to customers. Microsoft also has a large research and development team, constantly looking for new ways to improve its products and services.


Facebook has a company culture focused on connection. The company creates a more connected world where people can easily share and connect with each other. Facebook is also committed to promoting understanding and integration between different cultures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When is the appropriate time during Onboarding to introduce company culture? The most appropriate time to introduce the company's culture is right from the first day a new employee starts working. This is when new employees are most interested and curious about the company. Introducing the culture from the first day will help new employees understand more about the company and start integrating quickly.

How can you ensure consistency in communicating the corporate culture? Consistency can be achieved by developing a structured Onboarding program consisting of modules or specific sessions dedicated to corporate culture. Use consistent messaging and imagery across all materials and ensure that all facilitators are aligned with the culture.

What if a new employee does not fit in with the company culture during Onboarding? It is necessary to have open and honest conversations with the employee to understand their difficulties. Provide guidance and timely support to help them understand and adapt to the culture. If there is no progress, it may be necessary to reassess the employee's fit within the organization.

How long should the incorporation of company culture continue during Onboarding? The incorporation of company culture must be an ongoing process lasting from several weeks to several months throughout the Onboarding period. However, it can gradually transition from culture introduction to integration as employees become more familiar with the organization and its activities.

Can company culture be adjusted during Onboarding if necessary? While maintaining consistency in the company's culture is often recommended, adjustments can be made if necessary. Communicate these changes transparently to new employees and provide guidance on any modified expectations.

What happens if the company culture changes over time? How can new employees stay updated? A company's culture can indeed gradually change as the organization develops and evolves. To keep new employees updated, incorporate regular culture updates into team meetings or training sessions. Additionally, provide online platforms or internal newsletters where employees can learn about any initiatives or changes related to the culture.


Integrating company culture into the Onboarding process is crucial to lay the groundwork for the success and engagement of new employees within the organization. By effectively communicating, organizing materials, assigning mentors, promoting communication and collaboration, and acknowledging cultural fit, recruiters can ensure that new employees understand, grasp, and contribute to the company's culture from day one. Remember, a strong company culture will attract top talent and play a significant role in retaining, enhancing productivity, and job satisfaction for employees.

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