What Is The Optimal Number of Requisitions for Recruiters?

What Is The Optimal Number of Requisitions for Recruiters?
What Is The Optimal Number of Requisitions for Recruiters?

The number of requisitions a recruiter handles can greatly impact the quality and efficiency of the hiring process. But how many are too many?

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reports that the median recruiter manages between 15 and 20 requisitions. However, using a median number to determine workload can be misleading. The optimal number of requisitions depends on several factors, including the industry, the complexity of the roles being filled, and the recruiter's experience and skill level.

Impact on Hiring Metrics

When recruiters are overloaded with requisitions, it can lead to a decrease in the quality of hire. They may not have enough time to thoroughly screen and evaluate candidates, resulting in less-than-optimal matches. Overload can also lead to an increase in the time to hire and time to fill, as the recruiter struggles to manage multiple openings simultaneously. Overload, whether in terms of work volume or hours, can negatively affect the performance and productivity of employees, including those involved in the hiring process.

Hiring efficiency is an integral part of improving the recruitment process. The time spent on hiring, the number of manual recruitment tasks, and the recruitment tools available contribute to how efficient a recruitment team is. However, when there is an overload of work, these processes can become strained, leading to potential decreases in hiring quality and efficiency.

The average cost per hire is around $4,7002. Around 30% to 40% of those costs are hard costs, while the rest are soft costs — including the time the recruitment team invests in hiring. Overload can increase these costs, as it often leads to longer hiring times and potentially lower-quality hires.

So, how can we avoid overloading recruiters? One solution is to regularly review and adjust the number of requisitions assigned to each recruiter based on their capacity and the complexity of the roles they are filling. It's also crucial to provide recruiters with the support they need, including administrative assistance and access to effective recruitment tools and technologies.

Leveraging HR Tech

One way to manage the workload and avoid overload is by utilizing HR technology such as an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). An ATS can streamline the hiring process by automating routine tasks and organizing candidate information in one place. This frees up time for recruiters to focus on more strategic aspects of the hiring process.

A modern and convenient Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can help you achieve recruitment goals and overcome challenges by providing the following features:

Hireforce Applicant Tracking System

Hireforce is the next recruitment software designed with simplicity, flexibility, and collaboration in mind. We equip excellent teams with robust tools to manage candidates effectively, encourage teamwork, and simplify decision-making for a better, optimal hiring experience.

Ready to level up your hiring? We're currently in Beta and offering a 30-day free trial with full features and dedicated support. Sign up now and experience the future of recruitment!

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